October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn gwneud symiau. Mae hi’n ymarfer tuag at olympiad mathemategol.

Ond mae rhifo’n anodd iawn i Daf. Dyw hi ddim yn academaidd iawn. Gan amlaf, mae hi’n dibynnu ar ei phersonoliaeth ddeniadol.

Felly, mae Daf yn sefyll yn stond, yn syllu ar ei thraed.

– Daf, be’ ti neud? gofyn Jeff.

– Symiau, meddai Daf.

– Ti’n rhifo dy draed eto, on’d wyt ti?

– Odw, meddai Daf mewn cywilydd llwyr.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is doing sums. She is practising towards a mathematical olympiad.

But counting is very difficult for Dave. She is not very academic. Most of the time, she relies on her winning personality.

So, Dave is standing still, staring at her feet.

– Dave, what’re you doing? asks Jeff.

– Sums, says Dave.

– You’re counting your feet again, aren’t you?

– I am, says Dave in complete shame.

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