October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi colli cinio Nadolig yr Esgob trwy fod yn sâl.

Roedd rhaid iddo fe dalu deg punt o flaen llaw fel blaendal.

Felly, mae Dewi Sant yn disgwyl colli ei ddeg punt.

Ond mae llythyr wedi cyrraedd.

Bil yw e. Mae’r Esgob yn mynnu pum can punt ganddo fe. Mae e eisiau i Dewi dalu’r holl fil.

Mae Dewi yn teimlo’n salach byth.

Saesneg / English

The Bishop’s Christmas Dinner

Saint David has missed the Bishop’s Christmas dinner due to illness.

He had to pay ten pounds in advance as a deposit.

So, Saint David expects to lose his ten pounds.

But a letter has arrived.

It is a bill. The Bishop is demanding five hundred pounds from him. He wants Saint David to pay the whole bill.

Saint David feels more ill than ever.

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