October 16, 2024

Mae’n debyg bod y ffliw ar Dewi Sant.

Mae e’n gorwedd ar y gwely yn ei sied, yn crynu. Nid yw e’n hapus o gwbl. Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi gwneud cwstard arbennig, ond mae e’n methu cadw dim byd i lawr.

Mae Daf y gath yn dod i ymweld â Dewi.

– Be sy’n bod arnat ti ‘te? meddai Daf.

– Dwi mor sâl, meddai Dewi.

– Pen mawr, ife?

– Shhh.

Saesneg / English


It seems that Saint David has the flu.

He lies on the bed in his shed, shivering. He is not happy at all. Santes Dwynwen has made some special custard, but he can’t keep anything down.

Dave the cat comes to visit Saint David.

– What’s wrong with you? says Dave.

– I’m so ill, says Saint David.

– Hangover, is it?

– Shhh.

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