October 16, 2024

Cafodd Daf y gath fargen dda ddydd Gwener du. Roedd cynnig arbennig ar fananas, felly mae hi wedi prynu sawl tunnell ohonyn nhw.

Mae Bryn Terfel a Samuel Beckett yn hapus iawn iawn.

Mae Bryn Terfel yn canu aria operatig drasig am farwolaeth banana fregus. Mae Samuel Beckett yn ysgrifennu drama am fanana sydd yn byw mewn tywyllwch llwyr mewn jwg.

Ond does neb yn bwyta’r bananas, ac mae peiriant cwstard Santes Dwynwen yn gwrthod gweithio, felly does dim cyflenwad o gwstard i fynd gyda nhw.

– Bargen wych, Daf, meddai Jeff y gath, wrth i’r bananas dechrau pydru.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat got a good bargain on Black Friday. There was a special offer on bananas, so she bought several tons of them.

Bryn Terfel and Samuel Beckett are very very happy.

Bryn Terfel is singing a tragic operatic aria about the death of a vulnerable banana. Samuel Beckett is writing a play about a banana that lives in total darkness in a jug.

But nobody is eating the bananas, and St Dwynwen’s custard machine is refusing to work, so there is no supply of custard to go with them.

– Great bargain, Dave, says Jeff the cat, as the bananas start to rot.

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