October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi derbyn amlen ddirgel o arian gan yr Esgob.

– Nei di brynu mwy o Dreamies, ‘te? meddai Daf y gath.

Ond ansicr iawn ydy Dewi Sant.

– Dw i’n teimlo bo’ fi’n câl ‘n llwgrwobrwyo, fel arfer, meddai.

– Llwgrwobrwyo i wneud be? meddai Daf.

– Sai’mod. Dyna’r broblem.

Yna, mae ail amlen yn cyrraedd.

– Ah, dyma’r gorchmynion.

Mae Dewi Sant yn darllen yn ofalus.

– Ma fe wedi câl plentyn arall, meddai Dewi, yn rolio ei lygaid.

– Bydde hynny’n amhosib yn fiolegol, meddai Daf.

Saesneg / English


Saint David has received a mysterious envelope of money from the Bishop.

– Will you buy some more Dreamies, then? says Dave the cat.

But Saint David is very uncertain.

– I feel like I’m beinf bribed, as usual, he says.

– Bribed to do what? says Dave.

– Dunno. That’s the problem.

Then, a second envelope arrives.

– Ah, here are the instructions.

Dewi Sant reads carefully.

– He’s had another child, said Dewi, rolling his eyes.

– That’d be biologically impossible, says Dave.

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