October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant eisiau hyfforddi’r cathod. Mae’r Frenhines Branwen yn cynnal cystadleuaeth bêl-droed, ac mae e eisiau ennill y cwpan.

Dyw’r cathod ddim am gael eu hyfforddi.

– Os wyt ti isie cwpan newydd, pam nad wyt ti jyst yn mynd i’r siopau? meddai Daf y gath yn gall.

– Sai’n mynd ar ôl blydi pêl, meddai Jeff.

– Gallet ti esgus taw lygoden yw hi, awgryma Dewi Sant.

– Ond so hi’n llygoden. Sai’n chwarae, meddai Jeff, a bant â hi.

Mae Daf eisoes wedi cwympo i gysgu.

Saesneg / English


Saint David wants to train the cats. Queen Branwen is holding a football competition, and he wants to win the cup.

The cats don’t want to be trained.

– If you want a new cup, why don’t you just go to the shops? says Dave the cat wisely.

– I’m not going after a bloody ball, said Jeff.

– You could pretend it’s a mouse, suggests Dewi Sant.

– But it’s not a mouse. I’m not playing, says Jeff, and off she goes.

Dave has already fallen asleep.

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