October 17, 2024

Un tro, ar ôl iddi lyfu ei thraed am oriau, daeth Daf y gath o hyd i eirinen ar waelod yr ardd. Tew a phorffor oedd yr eirinen, a sgleiniog.

– Helo, meddai’r eirinen. – Eirinen dw i.

– Wes enw ‘da ti? gofynnodd Daf.

– O’s. Keith dw i.

– Na, ti ddim, meddai Daf. – Mae Keith ‘da ni yn barod. Y gorden draw fan ‘co.

Ystumiodd Daf tuag at Keith y gordyn. Ddwedodd Keith y gordyn ddim byd.

– Na i d’alw di’n Sara.

– Ond bachgen dw i.

– Ie. Wes ‘na broblem? meddai Daf yn fygythiol.

Trodd yr eirinen mewn prwnsen mewn embaras.

– Nag o’s, ildiodd e o’r diwedd.

Saesneg / English

One day, after she had licked her feet for hours, Dave the cat found a plum at the bottom of the garden. The plum was plump and purple, and shiny.

– Hello, said the plum. – I’m a plum.

– Do you have a name? Dave asked.

– Yes. I’m Keith.

– No, you’re not, said Daf. We already have a Keith. The gourd over there.

Daf gestured towards Keith the gourd. Keith the gourd said nothing.

– I’ll call you Sara.

– But I’m a boy.

– Yes. Is there a problem? said Dave threateningly.

The plum turned into a prune in embarrassment.

– No, he finally gave in.

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