October 17, 2024

Mae’r staff wedi prynu “bisgedi boncyrs” i’r cathod, sydd yn cynnwys catnip.

Mae Jeff y gath wedi dod yn gaeth iddyn nhw. Mae ei llygaid fel soseri ac mae hi’n cael symptomau diddyfnu yn aml iawn.

Ac mae hi wedi dechrau brathu’r staff, fel rhyw sombi neu’i gilydd. Sombi ar gyffuriau.

Mae Daf y gath yn anwybyddu Jeff a’r bisgedi. Mae hi wedi cael digon o brofiadau seicedelig yn barod ac mae hi angen rhywbeth caletach na catnip.

Ond mae Dewi Sant yn chwilfrydig.

– Mae’r rhain yn blasu’n iawn, meddai fe, cyn gadael am ddimensiwn arall.

Saesneg / English

Bonkers biscuits

The staff have bought “bonkers biscuits” for the cats, which contain catnip.

Jeff the cat has become addicted to them. Her eyes are like saucers and she has withdrawal symptoms very often.

And she has started biting the staff, like some zombie or other. A zombie on drugs.

Dave the cat is ignoring Jeff and the biscuits. She’s had enough psychedelic experiences already and she needs something harder than catnip.

But Saint David is curious.

– These taste OK, he says, before leaving for another dimension.

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