October 17, 2024

Mae’r clociau wedi mynd yn ôl, sydd yn golygu awr ychwanegol o gwsg i’r staff.

Mewn damcaniaeth.

Ond mae Daf y gath yn codi am dri o’r gloch yn y bore i aros am ei brecwast beth bynnag.

(Mae Jeff y gath wastad yn aros am ei brecwast nesa hithau, hyd yn oed yn ar ôl amser brecwast. Dyna pam mae hi’n bwyta saith brecwast fel arfer.)

Erbyn pedwar o’r gloch, mae Daf yn achosi trafferth. Mae hi’n crafu’r carped a gweiddi.

Ond eleni, mae’r staff yn barod. Maen nhw’n gwisgo clustffonau.

Saesneg / English

Going back

The clocks have gone back, which means an extra hour of sleep for the staff.

In theory.

But Dave the cat gets up at three o’clock in the morning to wait for her breakfast anyway.

(Jeff the cat is always waiting for her next breakfast, even after breakfast time. That’s why she usually eats seven breakfasts.)

By four o’clock, Dave is causing trouble. She scratches the carpet and shouts.

But this year, the staff are ready. They are wearing headphones.

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