October 17, 2024

Mae’r ardd wedi troi’n Uffern ar y ddaear. Mae popeth ar dân ac mae Prifdatws newydd posib ym mhobman yn gweiddi mewn priflythrennau.

– Sa i’n hoffi Uffern bellach, meddai Daf y gath. – Dewi, sut beth yw’r Nefoedd?

– Wel, meddai Dewi Sant. – Ges i gipolwg unwaith ar ôl i fi basio mas yn ystod yr oedfa. Sdim lot o datws, felly mae’n dawel heblaw am yr angylion sy’n chwarae telynau. Does dim diodydd cryf, does dim cyffuriau, ac mae pawb yn gwenu drwy’r amser.

– Ych a fi. Wna i aros fan hyn, ‘te, meddai Daf.

– A finnau, meddai Dewi, yn agor potelaid arall o gwrw.

Saesneg / English

The garden has turned into Hell on earth. Everything is on fire and there are possible new Prime Potatoes everywhere shouting in capital letters.

– I don’t like Hell any more, says Dave the cat. – Dewi, what is heaven like?

– Well, says Saint David, – I once caught a glimpse after I passed out during the service. There’s not a lot of potatoes, so it’s quiet apart from the angels who play harps. There is no strong drink, there’s no drugs, and everyone smiles all the time.

– Ugh. I’ll stay here, then, says Dave.

– Me too, says Dewi, opening another bottle of beer.

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