October 16, 2024

Dihunodd Dewi Sant o’i weledigaeth â chur pen a syniad. Archwiliodd yr het ddosbarthu.

Fe alwodd ar Daf y gath, a oedd yn dal i fod mewn panig. Roedd y diffyg catnip yn dod yn broblem.

– Daf, beth am i ti ddosbarthu’r het ddosbarthu iddyn nhw dy hunan? Yna gallet ti brofi bo’ ti’n gallu neud y swydd.

– Ond sdim fan ‘da fi bellach. A nest ti ddifetha’r beic modur gan roi dy gwrw yn y tanc.

– Sori. Mae bin wheelie draw fan ‘co. Falle byddai hwnna’n ddigon clou? Ma’n nhw’n rhyfeddol o wastod.

– Ond yw e’n saff? gofynnodd Daf, y panig yn codi.

Saesneg / English

Crisis, part 5

St David woke from his vision with a headache and an idea. He examined the dispensing hat.

He called Dave the cat, who was still in a panic. The lack of catnip was becoming a problem.

– Dave, why not deliver the delivery hat yourself? Then you could prove that you can do the job.

– But I haven’t got a van any more. And you ruined the motorcycle by putting your beer in the tank.

– Sorry. There is a bin wheelie over there. Maybe that would be fast enough? They are surprisingly steady.

– But is it safe? asked Dave, the panic rising.

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