October 16, 2024

Un tro, wrth i Daf y gath fusnesa o gwmpas blwch cardbord arall, daeth sŵn ofnadwy o gyfeiriad sied Dewi Sant. Rhedodd Dewi allan o’i sied yn sgrechian.

– Be sy’n bod arnat ti? gofynnodd Daf.
– Ma fe’n dod nôl, meddai Dewi Sant.
– Pwy? Yr Esgob? gofynnodd Daf, yn disgwyl pennod arall o goludd ofnadwy’r arweinydd crefyddol.
– Na. Y ffycin Prifdaten. Fe ges i lythyren hir iawn oddi wrtho fe. Mewn priflythrennau i gyd. Y diawl diflas.
– Ond nath Keith y gowrd ddinistrio fe.
– Ma na wastod un arall, meddai Dewi, yn drist.

One day, as Dave the cat was fussing around another cardboard box, there came an awful noise from the direction of Saint David’s shed. Saint David ran out of his shed screaming.

– What’s up with you? asked Dave.
– He’s coming back, said Saint David.
– Who? The bishop? asked Dave, expecting another episode of the religious leader’s terrible bowels.
– No, the fuckin’ Prime Potato. I got a very long letter from him. All in capital letters. The boring bastard.
– But Keith the gourd destroyed him.
– There’s always another one, said Saint David, sadly.

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