Un tro, roedd Daf y gath yn anwybyddu pawb yn yr ardd. Problem gyda’i fan yr oedd e’n ceisio datrys. Fyddai’r injan ddim yn tanio.
– Daf? meddai Jeff, ei ffrind calico.
Bu tawelwch. Parhaodd Daf i botsio gyda’r fan.
– Daf! bloediodd Jeff. – Ti’n rîly anymwybodol.
– Nadw, meddai Daf, yn codi ar ei eistedd. – Anwybodus dw i. Mae ‘na gwahanieth. Drycha.
Cododd Daf y sosbach fach, ac heb ddweud yr un gair, tharfu sgwrs Santes Dwynwen a Dewi Sant gan fwrw ergyd ar Dewi gyda’r sosban. Cwympodd e i lawr yn y fan a’r lle.
– Reit. Dyma’r gwahanieth. Myfi yw’r un anwybodus. Fe yw’r un anymwybodol. Deall?
Anwybyddodd Jeff y cwestiwn yn anwybodus, a mynd bant i fwyta tan iddi fod yn anymwybodol.
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Saesneg / English
One day, Dave the cat was ignoring everyone in the garden. It was a problem with his van that he was trying to solve. The engine wouldn’t turn over.
– Dave? said Jeff, his calico friend.
There was silence. Dave continued pottering with the van.
– Dave! yelled Jeff. – You’re really unconscious sometimes.
– No I’m not, said Dave, sitting up. – I’m ignorant. There’s a difference. Look.
Dave lifted the little saucepan, and without saying a word, interrupted a conversation between Saint David and Saint Dwynwen by whacking Saint David with the saucepan. He fell down on the spot.
– Right. Here’s the difference. I am the ignorant one. He is the unconscious one. Understand?
Jeff ignored the question ignorantly, and went off to eat until she was unconscious.