Dyma Daf y gath sinsir. Mae e wedi cael ei fwyd e, ac nawr mae Daf eisiau chwarae.
Mae Daf yn gofyn i aelod staff i chwarae gyda fe. Mae e’n cerdded o gwmpas eu coesau nhw, cyn hela ei gynffon ei hunan.
“Dw i eisiau chwarae,” meddai Daf.
Mae’r aelod o staff yn taflu pêl. Mae Daf yn edrych ar y bêl heb ddiddordeb.
“Dim fel hyn,” meddai Daf, a cherdded bant.
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Saesneg / English
Dave Wants to Play
This is Dave the ginger cat. He has had his food, and now Dave wants to play.
Dave asks a member of staff to play with him. He walks around their legs, before chasing his own tail.
“I want to play,” says Dave.
The member of staff throws a ball. Dave looks at the ball without interest.
“Not like that,” says Dave, and walks away.