September 19, 2024

Mae’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr wedi derbyn pecyn newydd o ysgrifbinnau blaen ffelt oddi wrth Kate Roberts. Mae Daf y gath yn cadw allan o’r ffordd.

Mae Kate Roberts yn annog Owain Glyndŵr i liwio’n ofalus.

Mae e’n trio.

Mae e’n trio mor galed.

Ond mae’n anochel: mae Owain yn dechrau sgriblo.

Mewn ffrwydrad o ynni, mae e’n sgriblo ar bopeth yn yr ystafell fel corwynt o liw rhad. Mae e’n sgriblo ar Kate Roberts ei hun, hyd yn oed.

O, Owain.

“Mae e’n trio mor galed.”

Saesneg / English

New Pens

The famous Owain Glyndŵr has received a new pack of felt tip pens from Kate Roberts. Dave the cat is keeping out of the way.

Kate Roberts encourages Owain Glyndŵr to colour in carefully.

He tries.

He tries so hard.

But it’s inevitable: Owain starts scribbling.

In an explosion of energy, he scribbles on everything in the room like a hurricane of cheap colour. He even scribbles on Kate Roberts herself.

Oh, Owain.

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