September 19, 2024

Mae Kate Roberts yn rhoi pryd o dafod i’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr am ei fod wedi sgriblo ar bopeth â’i ysgrifbinnau blaen ffelt.

Mae Daf y gath yn lliwgar iawn.

Does neb erioed wedi ei geryddu o’r blaen. Pryd o dafod go iawn yw e.

Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn llefain.

Mae e mor, mor sori.

Yn anffodus, wrth sgriblo ar bopeth, mae e wedi difetha bron i hanner ei ysgrifbinnau. Bydd angen paced arall arno fe.

Fydd Kate Roberts mor garedig â phrynu mwy o ysgrifbinnau blaen felt iddo fe?


Mae Owain yn llefain eto.

“Mae e wedi difetha bron i hanner ei ysgrifbinnau.”

Saesneg / English


Kate Roberts is giving the famous Owain Glyndŵr a telling-off for having scribbled on everything with his felt tip pens.

Dave the cat is very colourful.

No one has ever reprimanded him before. It is a real telling-off.

Owain Glyndŵr cries.

He is so, so sorry.

Unfortunately, while scribbling on everything, he has ruined almost half of his pens. He will need another packet.

Will Kate Roberts be so kind as to buy him more felt tip pens?


Owain cries again.

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