September 17, 2024

Tra bod T. H. Parry-Williams a Kate Roberts yn ymarfer ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth dractora creadigol, mae rhywun arall yn rhoi darlith ddiflas i gynulleidfa anfodlon.

Pwy yw e?

Dyma i ni’r enwog Saunders Lewis, sydd yn ddifrifol iawn.

Beth yw pwnc ei ddarlith?

Pwy a ŵyr. Rhywbeth am dynged, efallai. Does neb yn gwrando.

Mae Franz Kafka, sydd yn rhyfeddol o fach, am drio gwneud i Saunders Lewis chwerthin. Felly, mae e’n rhoi selsigen iddo fe. Mae Daf y gath yn taflu Dreamies ato fe.

Ond does dim ots gyda Saunders Lewis: ymlaen ag e.

“Ymlaen ag e.”

Saesneg / English

The fate of the tractor

While T. H. Parry-Williams and Kate Roberts are practising for the creative tractoring competition, someone else is giving a boring lecture to an unwilling audience.

Who is he?

Here we have the famous Saunders Lewis, who is very serious.

What is the subject of his lecture?

Who knows. Something about fate, perhaps. Nobody is listening.

Franz Kafka, who is surprisingly small, wants to try to make Saunders Lewis laugh. So, he hands him a sausage. Dave the cat throws Dreamies at him.

But Saunders Lewis doesn’t care: on he goes.

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