September 17, 2024

Mae si ar led bod yr enwog T. H. Parry-Williams yn dod yn fwyfwy poblogaidd yn lleol oherwydd ei driciau ar gefn ei dractor. Mae e wedi bod yn atynnu cynulleidfa fawr i’r ganolfan grefft.

Nid yw’r enwog Kate Roberts yn hapus.

Mae hi’n dod yn ôl i siop peiriannau amaethyddol Jeff y gath a phrynu ei thractor ei hun. Wedyn, mae hi’n mynd i siop Daf y gath a phrynu un o ffidlau cyntefig Daf.

Yna, mae hi’n herio T. H. Parry-Williams i gystadleuaeth dractora creadigol.

Beth fydd y wobr?

Cadair, siŵr o fod.

“Mae Kate Roberts yn herio T. H. Parry-Williams i gystadleuaeth tractora creadigol.”

Saesneg / English


Rumour has it that the famous T. H. Parry-Williams is becoming more and more popular locally because of his tricks on the back of his tractor. He has been attracting a large audience to the craft centre.

The famous Kate Roberts is not happy.

She comes back to Jeff the cat’s agricultural machinery shop and buys her own tractor. Then, she goes to Dave the cat’s shop and buys one of Dave’s primitive fiddles.

Then, she challenges T. H. Parry-Williams to a creative tractoring competition.

What will the prize be?

A chair, probably.

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