September 17, 2024

Llwyddodd Bryn Teribl i berswadio’r enwog Waldo Williams bod angen weldio ar ei feic modur peryglus.

Dyw Waldo ddim wedi ei weld e wedi ei weldio.

(Peidiwch â cheisio dweud hynny ar ôl cwpl o ddiodydd.)

Pam hynny?

Aeth beic modur Waldo ar dân. Does dim byd ar ôl ond ulw.

O diar.

Bydd angen cerbyd arall arno fe.

Mae e’n gofyn i Jeff y gath beth sydd ar gael.

— Mae un o’r rhain ‘da fi, medd Jeff, yn arwain Waldo tuag at beiriant amaethyddol enfawr.

— Beth ma hwnna’n neud? gofyn Waldo.

— Sneb yn gwbod, etyb Jeff. — Ond ma’n edrych yn ffantastig.

Mae un o’r rhain ‘da fi, medd Jeff.”

Saesneg / English


Bryn Teribl managed to persuade the famous Waldo Williams that his dangerous motorbike needed to be welded.

Waldo has not seen it welded.

(Don’t try saying that after a couple of drinks.)

Why is that?

Waldo’s motorbike caught fire. There is nothing left but ash.

Oh dear.

He will need another vehicle.

He asks Jeff the cat what is available.

— I’ve got one of these, says Jeff, leading Waldo towards a huge agricultural machine.

— What does that do? asks Waldo.

— Nobody knows, answers Jeff. — But it looks fantastic.

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