September 17, 2024

Beth yw’r sŵn ombeidus ‘na?

Dyma Waldo Williams, y bardd enwog, yn rhatlan lawr y stryd ar hen feic modur.

Dyw’r beic modur ddim yn edrych – na swnio – yn saff o gwbl. Ond mae Waldo’n drwm ei glyw a llawn ffydd a ffolineb, felly ymlaen ag e.

Mae e’n stopio’r beic modur o flaen sied weldio’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn y ganolfan grefft.

— Angen weldo, medd Bryn.

— Fi yw Waldo, medd Waldo.

— Weldo, medd Bryn.

— Ie, fi yw Waldo.

Felly maen nhw’n parhau am oriau.

“Ymlaen ag e.”

Saesneg / English


What’s that awful noise?

It’s Waldo Williams, the famous poet, rattling down the street on an old motorbike.

The motorbike doesn’t look – or sound – safe at all. But Waldo is hard of hearing and full of faith and foolishness, so on he goes.

He stops the motorbike in front of the famous Bryn Teribl’s welding shed in the craft centre.

— Needs welding, says Bryn.

— I am Waldo, says Waldo.

— Welding, says Bryn.

— Yes, I’m Waldo.

They continue like this for hours.

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