September 19, 2024

Daf y gath wedi sefydlu ei busnes newydd. Mae hi’n mynd i wneud ffidlau!

Yn y ganolfan grefft, mae Daf yn ceisio gwneud ei ffidil gyntaf.

Nid yw pawennau’n ddefnyddiol iawn yn y cyd-destun hwn, felly mae angen help arni hi.

Pwy sy’n mynd i helpu?

Yr enwog Bryn Teribl, wrth gwrs.

— Shwd ar ben ddeiar wt ti’n mynd i helpu fi? gofyn Daf.

— Weldo, medd Bryn.

Bryn! Paid â phwyntio dy dortsh ocsy-asetylen at yr holl bren yna!

O diar.

“O diar.”

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat has set up her new business. She’s going to make violins! At the craft centre, Dave is trying to make her first violin.

Paws are not very useful in this context, so she needs help.

Who is going to help?

The famous Bryn Teribl, of course.

— How on earth are you going to help me? asks Dave.

— Welding, says Bryn.

Bryn! Don’t point your oxy-acetylene torch at all that wood!

Oh dear.

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