September 10, 2024

Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi dod o hyd i beiriant arall yn ei sied weldio.

Mae arwydd ar y wal yn dweud taw peiriant chwistrellu hopys yw e.

— Shwt ma’n gwitho, Bryn? gofyn Daf y gath.

— So fe’n gwitho o gwbwl, medd Bryn.

— Be sy’n bod arno fe?

— Ma angen weldo.

Yn amlwg.

Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn weldio’r peiriant torri gwair (gweler y stori flaenorol) a’r peiriant chwistrellu hopys at ei gilydd. Pwy a ŵyr pam.

Nawr, mae ganddo fe beiriant torri hopys sydd hefyd yn gallu chwistrellu gwair.

Da iawn, Bryn.

“Ma angen weldo.”

Saesneg / English

Hop syringing machine

The famous Bryn Teribl has found another machine in his welding shed.

A sign on the wall says it’s a hop syringing machine.

— How does it work, Bryn? asks Dave the cat.

— It doesn’t work at all, says Bryn.

— What’s wrong with it?

— It needs welding.


The famous Bryn Teribl welds the mower (see the previous story) and the hop syringing machine together. Who knows why.

Now, he has a hop cutter that can also spray grass.

Well done, Bryn.

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