September 19, 2024

Mae Daf y gath ar ei gwyliau yng ngogledd Cymru. Mae hi am osgoi’r Eisteddfod.

Mae hi’n mynd i gaffi yng nghwmni’r enwog Franz Kafka.

Mae Franz Kafka’n rhyfeddol o fach. Ac mae e eisiau selsig.

– Gawn ni fwrdd, plîs? meddai Daf i’r forwyn fwrdd.

– Duw a’n helpo, cath arall sy’n medru siarad, meddai’r forwyn fwrdd. – Rŵan ‘ta, be ti isio?

– Mae fy ffrind bach isie selsig.

– Sawl selsigen?

Mae Franz Kafka’n codi ei ddwylo a dangos ei fysedd i gyd.

– Deg selsigen. A be tisio?

– Dishgled o lâth plîs?

– Be?

– Llâth.

– Be?

– Llâth.

– Be?

Mae Daf y gath yn gwrthod dweud “llefrith”. Dyw hi ddim hyd yn oed am ddweud “paned”, ond mae syched mawr arni hi.

– Ga i baned o de plîs?

– Cei.

“Mae Franz Kafka eisiau selsig.”

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is on holiday in north Wales. She wants to avoid the Eisteddfod.

She goes into a café with the famous Franz Kafka.

Franz Kafka is surprisingly small. And he wants sausages.

– Can we have a table, please? says Dave to the waitress.

– God help us, another cat that can talk, says the waitress. – Now, what do you want?

– My small friend wants sausages.

    – How many sausages?

    Franz Kafka raises his hands and shows all his fingers.

    – Ten sausages. And what d’you want?

    – A cup of milk please?

    – What?

    – Milk.

    – What?

    – Milk.

    – What?

    Dave the cat refuses to say “llefrith” for milk. She doesn’t even want to say “paned”, but she is very thirsty.

    – Can I have a cup of tea please?

    – You can.

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