September 20, 2024

Ac yntau wedi mynd i helpu Daf y gath i gael gwared â’r holl asbestos yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin, mae angen ar Jeff y gath ddod o hyd i olynydd i Dewi Sant.

Ond pwy allai lenwi esgidiau nawddsant Cymru?

Mae Mrs. Llinos Trowsus yn llawer rhy brysur.

Nid yw Santes Dwynwen am adael ei chwstard.

Mae Bryn Teribl yn brysur yn ymarfer gitâr fas.

Pwy sydd ar ôl?

O na.

Beth am yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr?

Duw a’n helpo.

“Nid yw Santes Dwynwen am adael ei chwstard.”

Saesneg / English


Jeff the cat needs to find a successor to Saint David, now he has gone to help Dave the cat to get rid of all the asbestos in the House of Commons.

But who could fill the shoes of the patron saint of Wales?

Mrs. Llinos Trowsus is far too busy.

Saint Dwynwen does not want to leave her custard.

Bryn Teribl is busy practising bass guitar.

Who is left?

Oh no.

What about the famous Owain Glyndŵr?

God help us.

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