September 20, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath am ddiwygio trefniadau ynglŷn â ffreutur Tŷ’r Cyffredin.

Mae’r ffreutur wedi bod yn cael cymhorthdal gan drethdalwyr fe bod hi’n bosib cael gwledd gyfan am hanner can ceiniog.

Dim bellach.

Yn y dyfodol, bydd Dreamies ar gael yn rhad ac am ddim. Bydd popeth arall ar gael am bris safonol.

O diar.

Mae Daf y gath yn hapus iawn. Mae hi’n gallu mwynhau gwledd o Dreamies ar ôl iddi gwblhau diwrnod o waith caled wrth gael gwared â’r holl asbestos yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin.

Ond dyw Dewi Sant ddim yn hapus o gwbl. Heb gymhorthdal, bydd rhaid iddo fe yfed llai.

“Heb gymhorthdal, bydd rhaid iddo fe yfed llai.”

Saesneg / English


Jeff the cat wants to reform arrangements regarding the House of Commons canteen.

The canteen has been subsidised by taxpayers so it has been possible to have a whole feast for fifty pence.

Not any more.

In the future, Dreamies will be available free of charge. Everything else will be available at a standard price.

Oh dear.

Dave the cat is very happy. She can enjoy a feast of Dreamies after she has completed a hard day’s work removing all the asbestos in the House of Commons.

But Saint David is not happy at all. Without subsidy, he will have to drink less.

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