September 19, 2024

Pwy yw’r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol newydd dros Ddiwylliant?

Yr enwog Bryn Teribl, dyna pwy!

O diar.

Dyma fe, yn trefnu cyngerdd yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin. Mae e eisiau chwarae unawd ar ei gitâr fas.

Does neb arall am berfformio.

– Bryn! Beth am geisio gwella’r sefyllfa ddiwylliannol ledled y wlad? Dyna dy swydd, wedi’r cyfan, meddai Jeff y gath.

Ond dyw’r enwog Bryn Teribl ddim yn gwrando. Mae e’n ymarfer Jump gan Van Halen.

“Mae e eisiau chwarae unawd ar ei gitâr fas.”

Saesneg / English


Who is the new Secretary of State for Culture?

The famous Bryn Teribl, that’s who!

Oh dear.

Here he is, organising a concert in the House of Commons. He wants to play a solo on his bass guitar.

No one else wants to perform.

– Bryn! Why not try to improve the cultural situation throughout the country? That’s your job, after all, says Jeff the cat.

But the famous Bryn Teribl isn’t listening. He’s practicing Jump by Van Halen.

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