July 4, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn mynd i fentro hi’n arw. Does ganddi ddim byd i’w golli.

O diar.

Mae hi’n dechrau adeiladu wal. Wal gwleidyddol.

Ond does neb yn gwylio. Does dim ots gyda neb. Mae pawb yn mynd i bleidleisio dros Jeff y gath. Hwrê.

Erbyn diwedd y prynhawn, mae wal Daf yn edrych fel carreg fedd. Carreg fedd wleidyddol.

Does dim ond tri diwrnod i fynd. Diolch byth.

“Erbyn diwedd y prynhawn, mae wal Daf yn edrych fel carreg fedd.”

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is going to do something desperate. She has nothing to lose.

Oh dear.

She starts building a wall. A political wall.

But no one is watching. Nobody cares. Everyone is going to vote for Jeff the cat. Hooray.

By the end of the afternoon, Dave’s wall looks like a gravestone. A political gravestone.

There are only three days to go. Thank goodness.

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