June 27, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath yn ymlacio.

Gan fod pawb arall yn distrywio eu hymgyrchion etholiadol eu hunain, does dim angen arni hi wneud dim byd. Bydd hi’n trechu Daf y gath heb drafferth.

Does dim ond iddi aros, ac iddi hi fydd yr holl bŵer.

Am etholiad pleserus!

Mae rhaid i Jeff hefyd beidio gwneud unrhyw gamgymeriadau.

Ond pa gamgymeriadau all hi eu gwneud tra ei bod hi’n cysgu?

Mae hi’n breuddwydio am lwyddiant.

“Mae Jeff y gath yn ymlacio.”

Saesneg / English


Jeff the cat is relaxing.

Since everyone else is wrecking their own election campaigns, she doesn’t need to do anything. She will defeat Dave the cat without any trouble.

She just has to wait, and all the power will be hers.

What an enjoyable election!

Jeff also has to make no mistakes.

But what mistakes can she make while she’s sleeping?

She dreams of success.

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