Mentrau Daf y gath – straeon byrion am ddigwyddiadau hudol a hollol wallgof ym myd cath sinsir, gyda chyfieithiadau ar gyfer dysgwyr.

Mae Daf y gath yn gath Gymraeg, sydd yn byw ym mhentre Ffosgoch, yn y Gorllewin, gydag ei ffrind Jeff. Dyma ei fentrau ym myd chwedlau Cymru. Neu rhywbeth tebyg.

Dim ond ymarfer Cymraeg yw’r straeon gwirion yma. Dw i ddim yn honni eu bod nhw’n berffaith o gwbl. Ac os dych chi’n ffeindio unrhywbeth yn dramgwyddus, wel, dyna ni.

Gallwch chi ffeindio straeon haws, sydd yn defnyddio geirfa lefelau Mynediad a Sylfaen (mwy neu lai) yn y categori “Straeon Haws”. Yn y straeon hyn, mae cymeriadau yn defnyddio llai o dafodiaith, cyd â marciau atalnodi mwy normal hefyd.

Mae’r cyfieithiadau yn llythrennol iawn.

Oherwydd eu themau a’u hiaith, dyw’r straeon yma ddim yn addas i blant.

Diolch yn fawr am ddarllen,

Stuart, staff Daf.

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The Adventures of Dave the Cat – short stories about magical and crazy events in the world of a ginger cat, with translations for learners.

Dave the cat is a Welsh-speaking cat, who lives in the village of Ffosgoch, in the west, with his friend Jeff. Here are his adventures in the world of Welsh legends.Or something like that.

These daft stories are just Welsh language practice. I’m not claiming that they are perfect at all – they are just a way for me to make myself write something in Welsh every day. If you find any mistakes then let me know through the comments. And if you find anything offensive, well, there we are.

You can find easier stories, which use vocabulary from levels Mynediad and Sylfaen (more or less) in the category “Straeon Haws / Easier Stories”. In these stories, the characters use less dialect, as well as more normal punctuation marks too.

The translations are very literal.

Because of their themes and language, these stories are not suitable for children.

Thanks very much for reading,

Stuart, Dave’s staff.
