October 17, 2024
Lle mae jyglo a thrais.

Mae’r hanner-siarc yn jyglo eto. Mae e’n jyglo â phedwar taten. Nid yw’r tatws yn hapus. O gwbl. Maen nhw’n sgrechian wrth iddyn nhw fynd i lan, ac maen nhw’n sgrechian wrth iddyn nhw ddod i lawr. Mae lot o sgrechian.

Mae Daf y gath yn trio cysgu. Dyw hi ddim yn hoffi sŵn, yn enwedig sŵn sgrechian y tatws.

– Allet ti stopio hynny, plis? gofynna Daf i’r hanner-siarc. – Ti’n mynd ar fy nerfau.

Mae’r hanner-siarc yn parhau i jyglo’r tatws.

Mae Daf yn crafu’r hanner-siarc yn ddidrugaredd.

– Aw, meddai’r hanner-siarc, yn ollwng y tatws. – Roedd hynny’n brutal.

Saesneg / English

Getting on my nerves

The half-shark is juggling again. He is juggling with four potatoes. The potatoes are not happy. At all. They scream as they go up, and they scream as they come down. There’s a lot of screaming.

Dave the cat is trying to sleep. She doesn’t like noise, especially the noise of the potatoes’ screaming.

– Could you stop that, please? Dave asks the half-shark. – You’re getting on my nerves.

The half-shark continues to juggle the potatoes.

Dave scratches the half-shark mercilessly.

Ow, says the half-shark, dropping the potatoes. – That was brutal.

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