October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn smwddio. Mae hi’n hoffi smwddio, ac mae ganddi haearn smwddio da iawn. Fel arfer, mae hi’n smwddio popeth, yn gynnwys y tatws, yr hanner-siarc a’r cathod.

Ond heddiw mae hi’n smwddio ei nicars. Mae hi’n smwddio pâr ar ôl pâr o’i nicars. Mae’r dasg yn cymryd oriau, ac mae pentwr mawr o nicars erbyn hyn.

Amser egwyl yw e. Mae hi’n mynd i weld Dewi Sant yn ei sied er mwyn cael diod a bach o hwyl.

Mae Daf y gath yn nesáu. Mae hi’n weld y pentwr o nicars. Mae’r nicars yn edrych yn cymffi iawn. Mae hi’n setlo i lawr i gysgu ar ben y pentwr o nicars. Yn fuan, ar ôl cyntun bach, mae hi’n deffro a gadael.

Mae hi wedi gadael llwythau o fflwff ar ei hôl hi ar y nicars.

Bydd rhaid i Santes Dwynwen dechrau o’r ddechrau.

Saesneg / English


Saint Dwynwen is ironing. She likes ironing, and has a very good iron. She usually irons everything, including the potatoes, the half-shark and the cats.

But today she is ironing her knickers. She irons pair after pair of her knickers. The task takes hours, and there is now a big pile of knickers.

It’s break time. She goes to see St David in his shed for a drink and a bit of fun.

Dave the cat approaches. She sees the pile of knickers. The knickers look very comfy. She settles down to sleep on top of the pile of knickers. Soon, after a little nap, she wakes up and leaves.

She has left loads of fluff behind on the knickers.

St Dwynwen will have to start all over again.

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