October 17, 2024

Un tro, roedd Jeff y gath wrthi’n pwyo ar deipiadur mewn cornel.

– Be ti neud fan ‘yn? meddai Daf ei chwaer.

– Dwi’n sgwennu fy neges heddwch ac ewyllys da fy hun. Ma nhw ‘di colli’r pwynt ‘leni, atebodd yn gyffrous.

Roedd yn amlwg bod hi am ddarllen y neges.

– Bant â’r cart, te, meddai Daf, heb ddiddordeb.

Mae'r cloc yn ticio
Ac mae'n stumogau ni’n wag.
Mae'n amser deffro.
Bwyd gwlyb, bisgedi, Dreamies, a bacwn,
dyma ein gofynion ni.
Bod yn drist, bod yn llwgu
ai dyma ein dyfodol ni?
Pam ein bod ni'n dal i wrando
ar Dewi Sant a’i ramblo meddw?
Pam ein bod ni'n dal i gredu
y gallwn brynu ein bwyd ein hunain?
Mae'n amser deffro’r staff.
Mae'n amser i’r staff addo i’n bwydo ni’n barhaol.
Fedrwn ni dim cario 'mlaen fel hyn.
Fel arall, byddwn yn achosi ffrae fawr
Neu ddinistrio’r llenni.
Dyma'n haddewid ni.
Mae'n amser deffro’r staff.

– Hyd yn o’d fel darn dychanol, ma hwna’n ofnadwy, meddai Daf. – A ‘sdim lot o heddwch nac ewyllys da ynddo fe chwaith.

Saesneg / English

Message of Peace and Goodwill

One day, Jeff the cat was pounding away at a typewriter in a corner.

– What you doing here? said Dave her sister.

– I’m writing my own message of peace and goodwill. They’ve missed the point this year, she replied, excitedly.

She clearly wanted to read the message.

– Off you go, then, said Dave, uninterested.

The clock is ticking
And our stomachs are empty.
It's time to wake up.
Wet food, biscuits, Dreamies, and bacon,
these are our demands.
Being sad, being starving
is this our future?
Why are we still listening
to St David and his drunken rambling?
Why do we still believe
we can buy our own food?
It's time to wake up the staff.
It's time for the staff to pledge to feed us permanently.
We can't carry on like this.
Otherwise, we will cause a big fuss
Or destroy the curtains.
This is our promise.
It's time to wake up the staff.

– Even as a satirical piece, that’s terrible, said Dave. – And there isn’t much peace or goodwill in it either.

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