October 16, 2024

Mae Jeff yn dioddef. Mae llawer o chwain arni. Mae hi’n cuddio a chrafu.

Mae syniad gyda Dewi Sant. Ar ôl tanio ffag, mae e’n arllwys cynhwysion potel o gwrw dros Jeff.

Mae Jeff yn stopio cosi. Mae hi’n stopio crafu.

Mae hi’n dechrau llyfu ei hun.

– Mae gyda fi flas, meddai Jeff.

Saesneg / English

Jeff is suffering. She has a lot of fleas. She is hiding and scratching.

Dewi Sant has an idea. After lighting a fag, he pours the contents of a beer bottle over Jeff.

Jeff stops itching. She stops scratching.

She starts licking herself.

– I have a flavour, says Jeff.

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