October 16, 2024

Cymrodd Daf y gath bach o amser i gyrraedd yr ardd ar ôl iddi cael ei harestio. Rhyfeddai at ba mor gryf oedd Jeff, er ei fychander. Gwaith caled oedd cario roced.

Yn y cyfamser, roedd Jeff yn dadlau gyda’r staff.

– Oes ‘na facwn? We fi’n disgwl bacwn rhywbryd.
– Nag oes, Jeff, ‘ti di câl dy fwydo’n barod.
– Ond dwisie bacwn. Ble mae’r bacwn?
– Does dim bacwn, Jeff. Beth am Dreamie?

Cododd yr aelod o staff ei ysgwyddau. Doedd dim byd arall i’w wneud. Bant â Jeff i hela mochyn neu ddau.

Saesneg / English

Interlude (Shopping Trolley, part 7)

Dave the cat took some time to reach the garden after being arrested. She was amazed at how strong Jeff was, despite her smallness. Carrying a rocket was hard work.

Meanwhile, Jeff was arguing with the staff.

– Is there bacon? I was expecting bacon at some point.
– No Jeff, you’ve already been fed.
– But I want bacon. Where’s the bacon?
– There’s no bacon, Jeff. What about a Dreamie?

The member of staff shrugged their shoulders. There was nothing else to do. Off went Jeff to hunt a pig or two.

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