Mae’r cathod yn cynnal sioe bypedi er mwyn trio cael gwared ar y capybaraod.
— Pwy wt ti isie bod? gofyn Daf i Jeff.
— Ga i fod Swti plîs?
— Cei. Yna bydda i Swîp.
Ond pwy fydd yn chwarae rhan Sŵ?
Dyma Owain Glyndŵr, yn barod i actio.
Mae’r sioe yn rhyfeddol o lwyddiannus. Does dim oediadau lletchwith, a does neb yn mynd ar dân. Yn syfrdanol fyth, ymddengys bod y capybaraod wedi ei mwynhau.
Ond maen nhw eisiau mwy.
A’r cathod yn gwrthod parhau, maen nhw’n troi’n gas.
Saesneg / English
Puppet show
The cats are putting on a puppet show to try and get rid of the capybaras.
— Who do you want to be? Dave asks Jeff.
— Can I be Sooty please?
— You can. I’ll be Sweep then.
But who will play Soo?
Here is Owain Glyndŵr, ready to act.
The show is surprisingly successful. There are no awkward pauses, and no one catches fire. Even more surprisingly, the capybaras seem to have enjoyed it.
But they want more.
And the cats refuse to continue, they turn hostile.