Mae’r tywydd wedi newid eto.
Byddai Daf y gath yn fodlon mynd mas pe tasai’r capybaraod ddim yn y buarth o hyd.
Dyw Daf ddim yn licio’r capabaraod. Fe gafodd hi brofiad erchyll oherwydd mochyn cwta flynyddoedd yn ôl ac felly mae cnofilod yng nghyffredinol yn codi ofn arni, heb sôn am gnofilod enfawr.
Beth all hi wneud?
Taith seicedelig fyddai’r datrysiad mwyaf hwylus, ond byddai’r cnofilod yno o hyd wedyn.
Yna, mae Daf y cael syniad.
Mae hi’n mynd i gynnal sioe bypedau. Mae pawb yn casáu sioe bypedau.
Gobeithio bydd hynny’n cael gwared arnyn nhw.
Saesneg / English
The weather has changed again.
Dave the cat would be willing to go out if the capybaras weren’t still in the courtyard.
Dave doesn’t like the capabaras. She had a horrible experience with a guinea pig years ago and therefore she is afraid of rodents in general, not to mention huge rodents.
What can she do?
A psychedelic trip would be the easiest solution, but then the rodents would still be there afterwards.
Then, Dave has an idea.
She is going to put on a puppet show. Everyone hates a puppet show.
Hopefully that will get rid of them.