December 3, 2024

Yn ôl ar y blaned Mawrth, mae Dewi Sant yn dysgu popeth mae e’n gwybod am y beibl i’r Mawrthiaid.

Ddylai hynny ddim yn cymryd yn hir.

Mae e’n canolbwyntio ar yr adran fwyaf difyr, sef y Datguddiad. Mae e’n licio’r rhannau lle mae pethau’n mynd ar dân.

Ond mae’r Mawrthiaid wedi dechrau codi stŵr. Maen nhw’n siglo yn ei seddi, cicio eu traed, a siarad yn ddi-baid.

Beth sy’n bod arnyn nhw?

O na. Mae’n amlwg yr oedd yr enwog Bryn Teribl yn rhoi Shêc ‘n’ Fac iddyn nhw, ac nawr mae’r effeithiau’n lleihau.

“Mae Dewi Sant yn dysgu popeth mae e’n gwybod am y beibl i’r Mawrthiaid.”

Saesneg / English

Disturbed pupils

Back on Mars, Saint David is teaching the Martians everything he knows about the bible.

That shouldn’t take long.

He focuses on the most entertaining section, which is Revelation. He likes the parts where things catch fire.

But the Martians have started to make a fuss. They rock in their seats, kick their feet, and talk incessantly.

What is wrong with them?

Oh no. It is clear that the famous Bryn Teribl had been giving them Shêc ‘n’ Fac, and now the effects are wearing off.

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