October 5, 2024

Am annisgwyl.

Er nad yw hi’n aelod o’r grŵp Y Pandas Pinc bellach, mae Santes Dwynwen wedi cwympo mewn cariad â Robat Smith. Mae hi’n dilyn y bws teithio ar gefn hen dractor Waldo Williams.

— Cusana fi, cusana fi, cusana fi! medd Santes Dwynwen.


Dyw Robat Smith ddim yn dweud dim byd.

Ydy Robat Smith wedi cwympo mewn cariad â Santes Dwynwen?

Nac ydy.

Gwr priod hapus yw Robat Smith.

Ydy Santes Dwynwen yn mynd i’w stelcio?

Siŵr o fod.

Bydd angen ar Daf y gath gael gafael ar danc teithio yn lle bws teithio.

“Mae hi’n dilyn y bws teithio ar gefn hen dractor Waldo Williams.”

Saesneg / English

Kiss me

How unexpected.

Although she is no longer a member of the Pink Pandas group, Santes Dwynwen has fallen in love with Robert Smith. She is following the tour bus on the back of Waldo Williams’ old tractor.

— Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me! says Saint Dwynwen.


Robert Smith doesn’t say anything.

Has Robert Smith fallen in love with Saint Dwynwen?


Robert Smith is a happily married man.

Is Saint Dwynwen going to stalk him?


Dave the cat will need to get hold of a tour tank instead of a tour bus.

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