October 16, 2024

Yn y pwll nofio, mae’r mam-guod yn teimlo’n oer.

Fel Gremlins, maen nhw’n lluosogi.

Ac nawr, maen nhw’n colli rheolaeth.

Mae Jeff yn edrych ar y fam-gu fwyaf anfad.

– Ti yw’r un dwi isie, meddai Jeff.

Mae rhywbeth yn diffodd y goleuadau. Mae Odin yn trwsio’r blwch ffiwsys a’u troi nhw ymlaen unwaith eto.

– Mae’r pŵer fod ti’n darparu’n wefreiddiol, meddai Jeff. – Diolch yn fawr.

Erbyn hyn, mae’r mam-guod wedi symud ymlaen i wneud dawns Greased Lightning.

“Erbyn hyn, mae’r mam-guod wedi symud ymlaen i wneud dawns Greased Lightning.”

Saesneg / English


In the swimming pool, the grandmas are feeling cold.

Like Gremlins, they are multiplying.

And now, they are losing control.

Jeff looks at the most evil grandma.

– You’re the one that I want, says Jeff.

Something turns off the lights. Odin fixes the fuse box and turns them on again.

– The power you’re supplying is electrifying, says Jeff. – Thank you very much.

By now, the grandmas have moved on to doing the Greased Lightning dance.

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