October 16, 2024

Mae gwesty Dewi Sant yn heigio o fam-guod. Mae pla ohonyn nhw.

Does neb yn gwybod o le ddaethon nhw, ond maen nhw ym mhobman, fel chwain anferth â gwallt arian sy’n gweu’n wyllt trwy’r amser.

Ond mae Daf y gath yn hapus iawn.

Pam mae hi’n hapus?

Wel, mae pob un o’r mam-guod wedi dod â thwba o Dreamies. Mae Daf ar ben ei digon.

Ond nid yw Santes Dwynwen yn hapus. Bob yn ail funud, mae hi’n dod o hyd i fam-gu arall, yn gweu yn rhywle anghyfleus.

Mae hi wedi ffeindio mam-gu yn y peiriant golchi, un arall yn y meicrodon, ac un arall ym mag y hŵfar hyd yn oed.

– Ma hyn jyst yn ormod, meddai Santes Dwynwen. – Mae rhaid i rywun neud rhywbeth.

“Does neb yn gwybod o le ddaethon nhw, ond maen nhw ym mhobman.”

Saesneg / English


Saint David’s hotel is infested with grandmas. There is a plague of them.

No one knows where they came from, but they are everywhere, like enormous fleas with silver hair that are furiously knitting all the time.

But Dave the cat is very happy.

Why is she happy?

Well, each of the grandmas has brought a tub of Dreamies. Dave is delighted.

But Saint Dwynwen is not happy. Every other minute, she finds another grandma, knitting somewhere inconvenient.

She has found a grandma in the washing machine, another in the microwave, and even another in the hoover bag.

– This is just too much, says Saint Dwynwen. – Someone’s got to do something.

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