December 18, 2024

Mae Llychlynwraig wedi ymddangos yng ngwesty Dewi Sant. Brynhild yw ei henw hi.

Mae hi eisiau aberthu rhywbeth i’r Duwiau, ond does dim byd addas yn yr oergell.

– Beth am i ni fynd at y cigydd? gofyn Daf y gath.

Ond dyw Brynhild ddim yn gwrando ar ei hawgrymiad.

Arhoswch am funud.

Pam mae Brynhild yn codi cadair i’r awyr? At hynny, pam mae hi’n chwalu’r gadair yn erbyn y wal?

Mae darnau o gadair dros y lle i gyd.

– O Odin, derbynia’r aberth hwn, meddai Brynhild.

Ond dyw Odin ddim yn gwrando. Mae e’n ymlacio yn sba’r gwesty.

“Mae darnau o gadair dros y lle i gyd.”

Saesneg / English


A Viking has appeared at Saint David’s hotel. Her name is Brynhild.

She wants to sacrifice something to the Gods, but there is nothing suitable in the fridge.

– Why don’t we go to the butcher’s? asks Dave the cat.

But Brynhild doesn’t listen to her suggestion.

Wait a minute.

Why is Brynhild lifting a chair into the air? Furthermore, why is she smashing the chair against the wall?

Pieces of chair are all over the place.

– O Odin, accept this sacrifice, says Brynhild.

But Odin isn’t listening. He is relaxing in the hotel spa.

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