October 16, 2024

Mae’r ffermwr ifanc o Geredigion allan yng ngardd y gwesty. Mae e wedi clymu aradr yn ei dractor.

Mae Daf y gath yn ei wylio e.

– Be ti neud? gofyn Daf.

– Ffarmo, meddai’r ffermwr ifanc. – Dreifo’r tractor.

Mae’n amlwg ei fod e wedi meddwi o hyd.

Mae e’n dechrau gwasgaru hadau yn y cwysi.

Pa fath o hadau ydyn nhw?

Arhoswch am funud. Nid hadau yw’r rheiny. Dreamies ydyn nhw.

O diar.

“Ffarmo. Dreifo’r tractor.”

Saesneg / English


The young farmer from Ceredigion is out in the hotel garden. He has attached a plough to his tractor.

Dave the cat is watching him.

– What are you doing? ask Dave.

– Farming, says the young farmer. – Driving the tractor.

It is obvious that he is still drunk.

He begins to scatter seeds in the furrows.

What kind of seeds are they?

Wait a minute. Those are not seeds. They are Dreamies.

Oh dear.

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