October 16, 2024

Mae pawb wedi bod yn ceisio deffro’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr o’i drwmgwsg. Ond fel tywysoges mewn chwedl, mae e’n parhau i fod yn ddiymateb. Mae’r anesthetig yn rhy gryf.

Yn anffodus, gan mai Dydd Gwener y Groglith yw heddiw, mae’r Esgob wedi troi lan. Mae e’n mynnu sylw.

Does dim ond croeso oeraidd i’r Esgob y dyddiau hyn. A chrafiad gan Daf y gath.

Ydy’r Esgob yn haeddu gwell?

Nac ydy.


Gan mai hen fastad go iawn yw’r Esgob.

Pam mae e wedi troi lan?

Mae’r Esgob am groeshoelio Dewi i wneud esiampl ohono fe, er mwyn rhwystro’r seintiau lleol eraill rhag camymddwyn.

O diar.

Dyw Dewi Sant ddim am gael ei groeshoelio. Mae e’n ymguddio mewn bin ag olwynion.

“Dyw Dewi Sant ddim am gael ei groeshoelio.”

Saesneg / English

Good Friday

Everyone has been trying to wake the famous Owain Glyndŵr from his deep sleep. But like a princess in a fairytale, he remains unresponsive. The anesthetic is too strong.

Unfortunately, as today is Good Friday, the Bishop has turned up. He demands attention.

There is only a cold welcome for the Bishop these days. And a scratch from Dave the cat.

Does the Bishop deserve better?



Because the Bishop is a right old bastard.

Why has he turned up?

The Bishop wants to crucify Saint David to make an example of him, in order to stop the other local saints from misbehaving.

Oh dear.

Saint David does not want to be crucified. He hides in a wheelie bin.

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