October 16, 2024

Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi cael ffeit gyda’r bocsiwr sy’n aros yng ngwesty Dewi Sant.

Syniad ofnadwy oedd cael ffeit gyda’r bocsiwr.

Mae Bryn Teribl yng nghleisiau i gyd.

Ond nawr, mae’r bocsiwr am gael ffeit arall gyda rhywun arall.

O diar.

Pwy fydd ei wrthwynebydd nesaf?

Arhoswch am funud.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn gwisgo dillad campfa amdani. Iesgob mawr! Mae Santes Dwynwen am wynebu’r bocsiwr mewn ffeit.

Mae Daf y gath yn ceisio ei throi hi oddi wrth gael ffeit gyda’r bocsiwr, ond mae Santes Dwynwen yn benderfynol.

“Mae Santes Dwynwen yn gwisgo dillad campfa amdani.”

Saesneg / English


The famous Bryn Teribl has had a fight with the boxer who is staying at the Dewi Sant hotel.

It was a terrible idea to have a fight with the boxer.

Bryn Teribl is covered in bruises.

But now, the boxer wants to have another fight with someone else.

Oh dear.

Who will be his next opponent?

Wait a minute.

Santes Dwynwen is putting on gym clothes. Blimey! Santes Dwynwen wants to face the boxer in a fight.

Dave the cat tries to dissuade her from having a fight with the boxer, but Saint Dwynwen is determined.

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