October 17, 2024

Mae gwesty Dewi Sant yn dawel iawn. Does dim presenoldebau od ar y grisiau heno.

Does dim esgidiau na sanau bellach.

Arhoswch am funud. Ble mae’r anfad Mistar Sgidie?

Mae rhywun wedi dwyn Mistar Sgidie! Mae Mistar Sgidie wedi cael ei herwgipio, felly.

O diar.

Efallai mai Mistar Trowsus a gyflawnodd y trosedd. Nid yw Mistar Trowsus i’w weld.

Wel, diolch byth am hynny. Ond ble mae’r esgidiau? A ble mae’r sanau?

Does neb yn gwybod.

O wel. Hwyl fawr Mistar Sgidie!

“Does dim presenoldebau od ar y grisiau heno.”

Saesneg / English


Saint David’s hotel is very quiet. There are no odd presences on the stairs tonight.

There are no shoes or socks any more.

Wait a minute. Where is the evil Mr. Shoes?

Someone has stolen Mr. Shoes! Mr. Shoes has been kidnapped, then.

Oh dear.

Perhaps it was Mr. Trousers who committed the crime. Mr. Trousers is not to be seen.

Well, thank goodness for that. But where are the shoes? And where are the socks?

Nobody knows.

Oh well. Goodbye Mr. Shoes!

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