October 17, 2024

Mae presenoldeb od ar risiau gwesty Dewi Sant. Ysbryd yw e? Efallai. Efallai ddim.

Nid yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr mohono. Mae Owain Glyndŵr yn cysgu’n sownd yn ei fag bin. Nid yr enwog Julian Cope mohono chwaith. Mae Julian Cope yn cysgu’n sownd yn ei gromlech.

Mae Daf y gath yn gwylio wrth i’r presenoldeb symud lan stâr heb gerdded.

– Tybed ydw i wedi cymryd gormod o catnip, meddylia hi.

Ond nac ydy. Mae’r presenoldeb yn real.

O diar.

Mae’r anfad Mistar Sgidie wedi cyrraedd gwesty Dewi Sant. Dyma’r tro cyntaf i’r anfad Mistar Sgidie fod yn Sir Benfro. Gan amlaf, yn y Cymoedd y mae e’n treulio ei amser.

Mae’r awyr yn oeri. Mae esgidiau’r holl westeion yn diflannu.

“Mae presenoldeb od ar grisiau gwesty Dewi Sant.”

Saesneg / English

Mr. Shoes

There is an odd presence on the stairs of Saint David’s hotel. Is it a ghost? Maybe. Maybe not.

It is not the famous Owain Glyndŵr. Owain Glyndŵr is sleeping soundly in his bin bag. It’s not the famous Julian Cope either. Julian Cope is sleeping soundly in his cromlech.

Dave the cat watches as the presence moves upstairs without walking.

– I wonder if I’ve taken too much catnip, she thinks.

But no. The presence is real.

Oh dear.

The evil Mr. Shoes has arrived at Saint David’s hotel. This is the first time that the evil Mr. Shoes has been in Pembrokeshire. He spends most of his time in the Valleys.

The air grows cold. All the guests’ shoes disappear.

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