October 17, 2024

Mae’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr ar fin cael ei goginio gan drigolion y gwareiddiad colledig a ffeindiodd ar waelod ei dwll yn yr ardd.

O diar.

Maen nhw wedi cynnau tân a llenwi dysgl gaserol â dŵr oer.

– Amser cael bath, Owain, meddai pennaeth y gwareiddiad colledig. – Dim ond bath yw e.

Ond dyw’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr ddim yn hoff iawn o gael bath. Mae e’n rhuo fel panda llaith, dringo allan o’i dwll, a dechrau rhoi’r pridd yn ôl ynddo.

O ystyried taw dim ond trywel bach sy’ gyda fe, mae e’n gweithio’n syfrdanol o gyflym.

“Dim ond bath yw e.”

Saesneg / English


The famous Owain Glyndŵr is about to be cooked by the inhabitants of the lost civilisation he found at the bottom of his hole in the garden.

Oh dear.

They have lit a fire and filled a casserole dish with cold water.

– Time for a bath, Owain, says the head of the lost civilisation. – It’s just a bath.

But the famous Owain Glyndŵr does not much like having a bath. He roars like a damp panda, climbs out of his hole, and starts putting the soil back in it.

Considering that he only has a small trowel, he works surprisingly quickly.

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