October 17, 2024

Mae’r gweithredwr wedi cael profiad seicedelig go iawn yn y Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel.

Dyw diwrnodau adeiladu tîm na chyfarfodydd dibwrpas ddim o ddiddordeb iddo fe bellach. Mae e wedi lliwio ei wallt yn goch a gwisgo cadwyn o leiniau.

– Be ti mynd i neud nawr? gofyn Daf y gath.

– Dwisie teithio trwy’r gofod-amser ac agor llygaid pobl erill i’r holl liwie.

– Ymm, iawn, meddai Daf y gath.

Mae hi’n troi at yr enwog Julian Cope.

– Falle wnest ti fynd yn rhy bell gyda’r Dreamies tro ‘ma, meddai hi.

“Mae e wedi lliwio ei wallt yn goch.”

Saesneg / English

Back from the Other Crymych

The executive has had a real psychedelic experience in the Other Crymych beyond the horizon.

Team building days or pointless meetings no longer interest him. He has dyed his hair red and wears a bead necklace.

– What are you going to do now? asks Dave the cat.

– I wanna travel through space-time and open other people’s eyes to all the colours.

– Umm, ok, says Dave the cat.

She turns to the famous Julian Cope.

– Maybe you went too far with the Dreamies this time, she said.

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