October 17, 2024

Mae cerddor wedi cyrraedd gwesty Dewi Sant.

Mae Dewi Sant yn nerfus iawn rhag ofn i’r enwog Bryn Teribl achosi trafferth.

Fel arfer, ni fydd yr enwog Bryn Teribl yn gadael llonydd i neb sy’n chwarae offeryn cerddorol. Bydd e’n dod yn or-frwdfrydig a mynnu perfformio pob dim o’i repertoire.

Ond y tro ‘ma, fydd ‘na ddim problem debyg.

Cerddor metel drone-doom yw’r cerddor hwn. Ac mae e wedi dod â’i gitâr a’i fwyaduron i gyd.

Felly bydd problemau eraill.

“Cerddor metel drone-doom yw’r cerddor hwn.”

Saesneg / English


A musician has arrived at Saint David’s hotel.

Saint David is very nervous in case the famous Bryn Teribl causes trouble.

Usually, the famous Bryn Teribl will not leave anyone who plays a musical instrument alone. He will become over-enthusiastic and insist on performing everything from his repertoire.

But this time, there won’t be this kind of problem.

This musician is a drone-doom metal musician. And he has brought his guitar and all his amplifiers.

So there will be other problems.

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