October 17, 2024

Does dim gwesteion yn y gwesty dros y penwythnos yma. Am gyfleus!

Mae angen bach o hoe ar bawb nawr bod y tiwtoriaid Cymraeg wedi mynd.

Pawb, hynny yw, ond yr Hen Dduw Odin, sy’ wedi bod yn brysur yn yr ardd. Mae Odin wedi bod yn adeiladu rhywbeth.

Ond beth mae e wedi adeiladu?

Does neb yn hollol sicr.

Mae’r adeilad ar ffurf tiwb enfawr, fel lamp lafa.

Arhoswch am funud. Mae’n edrych fel bod Odin wedi adeiladu ffwrnais chwyth.

“Mae Odin wedi bod yn adeiladu rhywbeth.”

Saesneg / English


There are no guests in the hotel this weekend. How convenient!

Everyone needs a bit of a break now that the Welsh tutors have gone.

Everyone, that is, but the Old God Odin, who has been busy in the garden. Odin has been building something.

But what has he built?

No one is completely sure.

The building is in the shape of a huge tube, like a lava lamp.

Wait a minute. It looks like Odin has built a blast furnace.

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